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Sunday, 27 November 2011
Monday, 21 November 2011
WHAT is tricaJUS?
TricaJus is a summary of a unique health drink because in it there are plant nutrients that are nutritious. Specially blended to cleanse the internal organs and blood circulation. It is also able to remove waste toxins and balance the hormonal system, thereby increasing the sexual vitality of a person.
Maca is a root vegetable that grows naturally in the Andes Mountains from 3.000 to 4.000 meters above the sea. Maca thrives in environments such as hot and sunny weather during the day and extremely cold at night.
In Peru, maca is used as a stamina and energy, increase sexual arousal in men. While for women, Maca is able to balance hormones, menstrual problems (PMS) and overcome the symptoms of menopause. Studies conducted by Dr. Gloria Chocon de Popovici, said Maca is a natural herbal award. Medical reports on the current state of Peru, Maca is used throughout to diseases such as anemia, tuberculosis, irregular menstruation, menopause symptoms, stomach cancer, sterility, sexual dysfunction and the fitness of the mind. The roots are used by men for centuries Peru in order to increase sexual energy, libido and fertility of sperm. Content and function of MACA is as follows;
Carbohydrates: Provide energy and increase the level of sperm activity
Protein: Increasing fertility in both men and women.
FIBER: Cleaning and restore intestinal absorption salauran nutrin.
FAT: Prevents cold due to the inability of sex hormones.
MINERAL: Works in energy production and bone formation.
Maca sterols: Adding monopous female fertility and slow
Tribulus Terrestris
Tribulus terrestris is a flowering plant in the family Zygophllaceace, which grow in temperate regions namely tropical Old World in southern Europe, South Asia, include Africa and northern Australia This herb has been practiced since ancient times in the Inca civilization as well as in China, Rom and India as a tonic for fizikal young man. In Eastern Europe, Tribulus telas in use for the purpose of strengthening the muscles and sexual potency. In the 1980s the kingdom of Bulgaria has been one study in the Institute menaja perubatan and Chemical Investigations in Serbia in seeking a formula for increasing fizikal and sexual stages, the result is proved by the triumph of the Bulgarian weight lifting forces at the Olympic temasya 90s. The main function Tribulus terrestris is as follows;
Increased male and female sexual power and increase testosterone
Subtracting prahiad and monopous woman syndrome
Prevent boils prostate for men
Repair the immune system and increase body resistance
Burn fat in the body, prevent boils, viral selsema
Preventing diabetes and increased blood frozen liver function
1. Restore male virility
2. Improving the fertility of male and female phase
3. ASID escorted inside the body
4. Blood circulation
5. Overcoming problems with diabetes and gout
6. Overcoming heart problems and high blood
7. Overcoming polio
8. Overcoming buasir disease and constipation
9. Strengthens liver function
10. Troubleshooting monopous PMS and women
11. Overcoming illness rock
As Natural viagra
Improving inner power
Improve lust
Healing the dead shoots
Increasing fertility
Increases stamina
Stabilizing the male hormone
Increased potential for man
Help fight sintom Andropans
Overcome the gloom
Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)
Increasing numbers of sperm
Escort the body weight
Escorting cholesterol and fat
Circumvent the problem of heart
Improving sleep qualities
Improve lust
Increasing energy
Addressing complications of uterine
Overcome the gloom
Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)
Overcoming heart problems
Escorting cholesterol and fat
Improving sleep qualities
increase the sensitivity
Reduce the symptoms of menopause
Increase fertility and stimulus
Stabilize hormone
Reduce fatigue
Control body weight
Prevent heart problems
Controlling cholesterol and fat
Maca as an important food for over 3,000 years the human body.
Known as a NASA Astronaut Food, in the USA.
Used as a nutritious product by Athletes Japan-Korea World Cup.
The success of Bulgarian troops in the weightlifting competition at the Olympic Games.
YEAR 1980
- One of NASA's Astronaut Food list.
- As the best alternative to Viagra
- Identified by Channel "Discovery Health Channel"
- As the best alternative to "HRT"
- More than 200 companies selling website as MACA Main products.
YEAR 2002
- Sales of more than USD200, 000,000 per month worldwide.
- Natural foods that help the endocrine system
- Maca began to enter the Asian countries.
YEAR 2004
- As a hot topic on the main channel in Taiwan and Japan
How to use TricaJus TM
Pour a sachet TricaJus TM into lukewarm water (100-200ml). Stir well and drink immediately. A bag for the morning and one bag for the night.
Use lukewarm water. Do not use hot water or cold water.
Junction is dry and cold place.
Keep away from children.
Not recommended for pregnant women.
Positive reaction TricaJus TM
TM is an adaptogen TricaJus body where it shows the effective impact on the first day until the week after intake, depending on your health. Effects such as fever, headache, dizziness, diarrhea, acne, runny nose, numbness and inflammation will occur. But that is normal and gradually disappear in the short term. This is a positive impact on recruitment TricaJus TM which is able to heal and balance the body's organ systems to improve your health.
Decision Making Process
Decision-making is one of the defining characteristics of leadership. It’s core to the job description. Making decisions is what managers and leaders are paid to do. Yet, there isn’t a day that goes by that you don’t read something in the news or the business press that makes you wonder, “What were they thinking?” or “Who actually made that decision?” That’s probably always been the case, but it seems exponentially more so in the opening decade of the new millennium where everything seems marked with, “too big, too fast, too much, and too soon.”
The reality seems to be that most organizations aren’t overrun by good decision makers, yet alone great ones. When asked, people don’t easily point to what they regard as great decisions. Stories of bad decisions and bad decision-making come much more readily to mind.
Some of that is due to our tendency to notice and recall exceptions vs. all the times things go as planned. For example, you’ve walked along side buildings more times than you could possibly count. Yet you remember vividly the one time you got nailed by a pigeon overhead.
That’s how we are about bad decisions. We’re also that way because the really bad ones tend to really hurt.
It’s not that people don’t have the capacity to make high-quality decisions in them. Decision-making is a distinctly human activity. It’s what that great, big frontal lobe is for. We all make decisions all the time.
But the fact that we’re hard-wired to make decisions doesn’t by itself make us good decision-makers. That takes discipline: discipline to do at least four things all the time and well.
Realize when and why you need to make a decision.
Declare the decision: decide what the decision is, how you’ll work it, and who should be involved.
Work the decision: generate a complete set of alternatives, gather the information you need to understand the possibilities and probabilities, and ultimately make a choice that best fits your values.
Not everyone does those four things consistently or consistently well. We’ve worked with a lot of leaders and managers in some of the most widely regarded companies in the world and our observation is that most people don’t. In fact, the distribution generally looks something like this:
There are some really wretched decision makers. For them, a good outcome is usually a matter of luck.
There are a lot of people who are reasonably competent decision makers. Their decision processes aren’t great, but they’re not bad, and the outcomes they experience track accordingly.
There is a small group of people who could be described as “good decision makers” These people are proactive and decision oriented. They’re able to focus attention on what’s important and critical. They know how to break a decision down into logical parts. They know how to work each of those parts in a high quality way. They know how to deal with possibilities and probabilities. They’re able to see opportunities where others see problems. They’re able to make quality choices in the face of uncertainty. They’re able to turn thought into action.
There is a sprinkling of people we’d describe as great decision makers. Like other good decision makers, these people consistently make high quality decisions. Their “greatness”, a word that is probably way overused, comes from their ability to create the dynamics needed to ensure that the people in their organizations can do the same.
Good and great decision makers expect high quality outcomes and they’re generally not disappointed. When they are, it’s usually because of some random thunderbolt or some unforeseen dynamic, not because they didn’t do a good job of working the problem. There are exceptions to this syllogism. But over the long-term, we think the good decision/good outcome connection holds up, and the outliers have either not been in the job long enough for their bad decisions to catch up, or have been extraordinarily lucky.
What is a Decision?
A decision is a choice between two or more alternatives. If you only have one alternative, you do not have a decision.
Webster’s 9th Dictionary adds some richness to the idea of choice by introducing the idea of uncertainty. It has this to say about the word “decide”, the root of “decision”
Decide: to arrive at a solution that ends uncertainty or dispute. From Latin decidere which means to cut off.
A typical thesaurus might use words like accommodation, agreement, arrangement, choice, compromise, declaration, determination, outcome, preference, resolution, result, and verdict to try and give the concept of “decision” some dimension.
In our minds Webster’s definition and these potentially illuminating synonyms seem to miss the driving idea behind a decision. A decision as an irrevocable allocation of resource.
This is where the concept of attention comes in. Attention implies the use of resource. It means you actually allocate some time, money, effort—something—to turning your intentions into action.
The concept of irrevocability means commitment: putting time, money, and/or resource on the line to put your decision into action. Having decided, you’re not going to re-litigate your decision every time someone has a new thought. Getting to that point with confidence is what separates low quality decisions from high quality decisions, and mediocre decision makers from good and great ones.
Making High Quality Decisions
A high quality decision comes with a warrant: a guarantee. Not a guarantee of a certain outcome—remember this is the real world we’re talking about, and there are certain things that just aren’t knowable until after they happen—but a warranty that the process you used to arrive at a choice was a good one.
This level of confidence implies a process: a set of steps and rules that provide an assurance of thoroughness and rigor. This means breaking decisions down into component parts and doing one thing at a time.
Unless you’re unlike most people, it is your nature to do what you know how to do and to avoid what you don’t. That’s why you want a rational decision process: To defeat the natural behaviors and tendencies that can lead to low quality decisions.
Without a process, you are likely to drag decisions into your comfort zone, handling “this one” in exactly the same way you handled “that one,” even though this one and that one may have little in common. Without an organizational decision process, that same “stimulus/response, stay in your comfort zone” dynamic can easily become the predominate driver of your organization’s culture and effectiveness. As a leader, you’re either doomed to inspecting every decision, or to hoping that people don’t decide to do something stupid while you’re not watching.
With a process or framework, you have the mechanism you need to warrant the quality of your own decisions. Perhaps more importantly, you also have a common language and set of mental models that makes conversations about decisions more efficient and effective. This common understanding of decision processes, criteria, and roles avoids many of the common organizational decision traps, allowing people in your organizations to spend their conversational energies on creating better alternatives and validating assumptions and ultimately warranting their own decisions.
The framework we use for breaking down and working decisions of virtually any size and complexity begins with two large ideas: declaring a decision and working a decision. Each of those larger elements is then broken down into three sub components, or what we call Decision Points, which are illustrated in the following diagram.
Decision Point 1: Frame the problem. What are you deciding and why? What shouldn’t you be deciding and why? What’s not in the box is as important as what is. Without a good definition of the problem or opportunity to be worked, there is no possibility that you'll reliably reach a high quality decision.
Frames are mental structures we create to simplify and organize our lives. They help us reduce complexity. That’s the good news and the root of another set of problems. Says J. Edward Russo in his book, Winning Decisions, “Frames have enormous power. The way people frame a problem greatly influences the solution they will ultimately choose. And the frames that people or organizations routinely use for their problems control how they will react to almost everything they encounter.”
Decision Point 2: The Right People. If you're a single actor, or hold all the prerogatives of a dictator, this one is easy. It's just you. In other cases, you'll want to put some thought into declaring who needs to be involved in what steps of this decision. Too few, or miss some, and you risk the problems of rework, low adoption rate and poor buy in. Too many—too much inclusion—and you invite the possibility of an unnecessarily painful or drawn out decision process.
Decision Point 3: The Right Process. Will you flip a coin? Throw darts? Check with your boss? Make decision tables? Use a decision tree or a bubble chart? Build a business case? It would depend on the decision situation. Making a high quality decision doesn’t have to be time consuming. In some cases, the best process might just be a coin toss or relying on some rules of thumb. In other cases, the only way to work a decision is to really work it, and that will take time.
The only rule is that the mechanics of how you’ll work the decision to conclusion need to be appropriate to the size, significance, and complexity of the decision. How long is too long? When the cost of working the decision any further outweighs the benefits of making a choice.
This element of declaration pulls the frame and people together into a coherent whole that will govern how you will reason this decision through.
Decision Point 4: A complete set of alternatives. “The more options you generate, the greater your chance of finding an excellent one . . . You should only stop generating more options when the cost and delay of further search are likely to exceed the benefit.” (Russo)
What is the right number of alternatives? That depends on how you’ve framed the question. Two terms are helpful in this regard. “Collectively exhaustive” means that the alternatives you’re considering fill the frame: a rational observer would conclude that you’ve thought of everything that matters. “Mutually exclusive” means that the alternatives are unique and different from each other: they’re not just restatements of the same choice.
Decision Point 5: Values against which to make tradeoffs. Values define your preferences among alternatives. They are your criteria. Values can be expressed by “attributes.”Attributes are characteristics of the outcomes that we find desirable or undesirable. They typically occur over time and may have some degree of uncertainty associated with them.
For each decision, particularly those involving others, you need to make your definition of value visible, clear, and distinct. In commerce, the acid test of a value is often that you can measure it.
Decision Point 6: Information that describes the value of each alternative. Good decision-making requires not only knowing the facts, but understanding the limits of your knowledge. The most valuable insights are often found in exploring uncertainties and “disconfirming” information. “The effective decision does not, as so many texts on decision-making proclaim, flow from a consensus on the facts. The understanding that underlies the right decisions grows out of the clash and conflict of divergent opinions and out of the serious consideration of competing alternatives.” (Peter Drucker, The Effective Executive)
You can wear yourself out gathering and analyzing information. What you want is insight that will help you judge the relative and comparative value of the alternatives you’re considering.
Leaders should focus on creating the dynamics that support organizational decision quality—on putting in place a decision framework and process that supports organizational decision quality—rather than raking through the detailed minutia of specific decisions. A high quality decision process highlights the frame, potential alternatives, and key assumptions the drive value. This allows leaders to spend their time declaring the right decisions, providing a set of common criteria, and testing the key assumptions of each decision.
During every season of festivities, consumers frequently face significant increase of price of essential foods, such as chicken. During the first week of the fasting month this year, chicken prices rose from about RM 5.50 per kilo (for standard chicken) to around RM 7.00 – RM 7.50per kilo. Some places were even reporting prices up to RM 9.00 per kilo.
These prices increases were not just confined to the Klang Valley. Chicken at Batu Gajah, Perak was sold at RM 7.50 per kilo, at Bahau Market, Negeri Sembilan, at RM 7.00 per kilo and at Kg. Koh, Sitiawan at RM 7.50 per kilo.
The Federation of Livestock Farmers Associations of Malaysia (FLFAM) reported that three factors that had caused higher ex-farm prices were the hotter weather affecting the health of the chicken, the banning of wheat by Russia affecting feed prices as those who had been using wheat as a chicken feed base had switched to corn and soy based feed, affecting feed prices (Malaysian chicken are fed on corn and soy based feed) and thirdly demand and supply factors.
Yet even taking into consideration the ex-farm prices, chicken was being sold at exorbitant levels at the market place. Clearly, some parties were taking advantage of the festivities to make excess profits.
This practice of profiteering is not new. Every festive season there are traders who take the opportunity of the festive season to overcharge and cheat consumers.
According to FLFAM, on an average 1.4 – 1.5 million chickens are sold every day.
Who are these parties profiteering? What can be done to stop consumers being cheated? Are those profiteering, the wholesalers or the retailers? Certainly there appears to be a lot of blame being directed at various parties in the supply chain.
More importantly, how do we address this situation so that the consumers will not be at a disadvantage during festive seasons?
To overcome these issues, FOMCA proposes three actions:
1. FAMA intervenes in the market during festive season. During the festive seasons, FAMA plays a critical role in buying chicken from the farm, and supplies to retailers, fixing the prices that the retailers can sell.
2. FLFAM is allowed to directly market their produce in the market. They can sell at a fair price and ensure that other traders follow their norm.
3. Government monitors the supply chain and the cost factors and announces the ceiling price that chicken can be sold.
4. The Government should also ensure that throughout the food supply chain, for all related food inputs and items, there is open competition. There should be no parties along the supply chain, who because of APs, or licensing or market collusions or other illegal or unethical market practices, are able to manipulate pricing. An open market would ensure that the consumer gets the best deal.
For a more long term solution, FAMA needs to establish more Pasar Tani throughout the country, and enable farmers to directly sell their produce to the consumers. Both farmers and consumers will thus get the best price.
Government also needs to invest in agriculture so that we can reduce our food import bill as well as be ensured of a secured food supply. During the rice crises previously, it was clear that traditional exporters of rise to Malaysia, sought to make short-term gains by selling elsewhere to make higher profits. We thus had a rice crises.
Thus while food prices are certainly critical, emphasis should also be given to food security.
All Rights Reserved 2011 http://www.crrc.org.my/crrc/
Consumer Research & Resource Centre
The Advantages and Disadvantages of Internet
In the history of mankind, the Internet is the greatest development in the domain of communication industry. Similar to each and every invention, the Internet carries a number of advantages and disadvantages. Nevertheless, the advantages of the Internet are so huge in number that they outperform the disadvantages quite easily.
What is Internet?
According to the definition provided by Oxford dictionary, the Internet is an arrangement of connected computers, which lets the computer users all over the globe exchange data. At the present time, approximately 33% of the world population has accessibility to the Internet. The Internet is an extraordinary entertainment and learning tool that may be utilized in a number of modes to increase the ability of a user to collect information. The principal components of the Internet are the World Wide Web (WWW) and e-mail. With the passage of time, the Internet has become the most effective business tool in the contemporary world. It can be described as a global meeting place where people from every corner of the world can come simultaneously.
The advantages of Internet
Following are the advantages provided by the Internet:
1) Information The biggest benefit offered by the Internet is information. It functions as a valuable resource of information. You can find any type of information on any subject with the help of the search engines like Yahoo and Google.
2) Communication The primary goal of the Internet is communication. It has done extremely well in this field, however the development process is still going on to make it more dependable and quick. By sending an e-mail, we can contact a person who is physically present thousand miles away within the fraction of a second’s time.
3) Entertainment Internet functions as a popular medium of entertainment. A wide variety of entertainment including video games, music, movies, chat room, news and others can be accessed through the Internet.
4) E-commerce E-commerce is the idea that is implemented for any form of commercial strategy or business transactions that entails transmission of data from one corner of the world to another. E-commerce has become a fantastic option through which you can shop anything.
5) Formation of communities Internet helps in formation of communities or forums. Here a number of people can participate in different types of debates and discussions, express their views and gather valuable knowledge.
6) Services A variety of services are offered via Internet, for example job searching, online banking, buying movie tickets, hotel reservations and consultation services etc. When you avail these services offline, they become more expensive.
The disadvantages of Internet
Following are the disadvantages of Internet:
1) Spamming: Spamming denotes distribution of unsolicited e-mails in large numbers. They are meaningless and they unnecessarily block the whole system. These activities are treated as illegal.
2) Theft of personal details While using the Internet, there is high probability that your personal details like name, address and credit card number may be accessed by con artists and used for fraudulent purposes.
3) Pornography: Pornography is definitely harmful for your children. There are numerous pornographic sites available over the Internet and watching any of those can have very bad influence on the mental health of your children.
4) Virus threat Virus is a program that interrupts the usual operation of your personal computer system. PCs linked to the Internet have high probability of virus attacks and as a result of this your hard disk can crash, giving you a lot of trouble.
Disadvantages of Plastic Bags
Plastic bags may be cheap and easy to use, but they're unhealthy for the planet. This article explains some of the problems that plastic bags cause and what can be done to offset their damage.
Plastic bags are not renewable, which means they cannot be easily recycled like paper bags. They are made of petrochemicals, which is what makes them non-renewable and a risk to the health of the planet. They last for hundreds of years, all the while doing damage to natural habitats and killing animals that mistake them for food. The more plastic bags people use, the greater the chances of environmental damage.
If not carefully disposed of, plastic bags can be devastating to animal life. DEFRA (Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs) reported that 1,678,900 tons of plastic packaging was in the UK waste stream in 2001. Because plastic bags do not decay quickly, they stay in environments longer, causing more build-up on the natural landscape than a more degradable material like paper would. The Marrickville Council reports that over 100,000 whales, turtles and birds die every year as a result of plastic in their environment.
Infants and young children have died as a result of playing with plastic bags. Every year, the Consumer Product Safety Commission receives about 25 reports of plastic bag-related infant death. Because of the thin, airtight material, infants can easily block their mouths and nostrils with the plastic bag and suffocate.
Abstaining from plastic bag use as much as possible will reduce the chances of accidental infant death, and it will reduce the amount of plastic waste in the environment.
A plastic bag is also reusable, though. It does not necessarily have to be thrown away after a single use. Try to use each plastic bag for as long as possible. This will help reduce the number of plastic bags in circulation.
The three types of plastic bags that cause the most damage are dry cleaner bags, garbage bags, and grocery bags.
Expert Insight
Some experts want to ban the use of plastic bags entirely. Los Angeles has passed recommendations that will make them illegal in supermarkets by 2012.
The British government sees plastic bags as a symbol for a throwaway society. They claim, "[Plastic bags] are a significant cause of litter.... Most of the rest of the 13 billion bags used each year end up in landfills."
Alternatives to Plastic Bags
Canvas bags are a smart alternative to plastic. Canvas can be washed and reused, and lasts up to 10 years on average. Bringing a few canvas bags with you to the store will greatly reduce the number of plastic bags in the environment.
Paper bags are not as beneficial for the environment as canvas bags, but they are recyclable. Infants cannot suffocate on paper bags either.
If you're creative, you can make an old plastic bag into an arts-and-crafts project.
My name is Siti Nur Aminah bt Abdul Razak. I was born on 29 october 1991 in Hospital Port Dickson. I come from Gemencheh, Negeri Sembilan. I live at Felda Bukit Rokan 73200 Gemencheh Negeri Sembilan Darul Khusus. I am studying BBA (Hons) (Marketing) in Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) Kampus Bandaraya Melaka (KBM).
My father name is Abdul Razak bin Shamsudin. He was a military retires. My mother name is Daniah Binti Wawi. She was a full-time housewife. I have a 3 sister and 2 brother and 1 younger brothers. My sister’s name Nordinar bt Abdul Razak,Nur Sarah bt Abdul Razak and Siti Nur Baya bt Abdul Razak.. My brother’s name is Nurmohammad bin Abdul Razak,Nurul Ridzuan bin Abdul Razak and my youngest brothers name is Abdul Muizz bin Abdul Razak . I am very love them and they are my inspiration to succeed.
I started my education at SK Bukit Rokan beginning from the year 1997-2003. After completing primary school, I continued my studies at SMK Cochrane Kuala Lumpur. I went to school there from 2004-2008. After completing the Certificate Examination of Malaysia (SPM), I further my studies at SMK Dato’Mohd Taha Negeri Sembilan and take STPM. After completion of STPM, I continued studies at UiTM Kampus Bandaraya Melaka in Bachelor Business Administration(Hons)(Marketing).
My hobby is reading novels. My favorite novel is a novel of religion and love. When I feel depressed, I will read the novel.I am a very concerned with time and I was a timely. I will ensure that a person will not be waiting for me when I have an appointment, and I do not like when I had to wait for the person who made an appointment with me.
When I feel stressed due to the problems of education or otherwise, I will look at the mountains. This is because, although not able to solve the problem, the heart and my mind will be at peace.
I set up this blog is for assignment Information Technology In Business ( MGT417). I am more comfortable using Facebook to tell my friends about my activities. To all my readers, may enjoy reading my blog. :)))
Thursday, 20 October 2011
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